Full name: Steven Allan Spielberg

Birthday: December 18, 1946

Place of birth: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Biography: The most commercially successful filmmaker in Hollywood history, Steven Spielberg was born December 18, 1946, in Cincinnati. In a career of more than four decades, Spielberg's films have covered many themes and genres. Spielberg's early science-fiction and adventure films were seen as archetypes of modern Hollywood blockbuster filmmaking. In later years, his films began addressing such issues as the Holocaust, slavery, war and terrorism. He is considered one of the most popular and influential filmmakers in the history of cinema. He is also one of the co-founders of DreamWorks movie studio. Marriages and children From 1985 to 1989 Spielberg was married to actress Amy Irving. In their 1989 divorce settlement, she received $100 million from Spielberg after a judge controversially vacated a prenuptial agreement written on a napkin. Spielberg subsequently developed a relationship with actress Kate Capshaw, whom he met when he cast her in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. They married on October 12, 1991. Capshaw is a convert to Judaism. There are seven children in the Spielberg-Capshaw family: Jessica Capshaw (born August 9, 1976) – daughter from Kate Capshaw's previous marriage to Robert Capshaw; Max Samuel Spielberg (born June 13, 1985) – son from Spielberg's previous marriage to actress Amy Irving; Theo Spielberg (born 1988) – son adopted by Capshaw before her marriage to Spielberg, who later also adopted him; Sasha Rebecca Spielberg (born May 14, 1990, Los Angeles); Sawyer Avery Spielberg (born March 10, 1992, Los Angeles) ; Mikaela George (born February 28, 1996) – adopted with Kate Capshaw; Destry Allyn Spielberg (born December 1, 1996). Spielberg's most important contribution to modern movies: There was an enormous audience to be created if old-style B-movie stories were made with A-level craftsmanship and enhanced with the latest developments in special effects. In Spielberg, the light source conceals mystery, where for many other directors it is darkness that conceals mystery. The difference is that for Spielberg, mystery offers promise instead of threat.

31 мая 2012 г.

Vocabulary Task:

1) heaven ['hev(ə)n] - рай, небеса, блаженство
2) carve [kɑːv] - резать, вырезать
3) shape [ʃeɪp] - форма, очертание; вид; образ
4) circumstance ['sɜːkəmstæn(t)s] - обстоятельство; случай; условие
5) swing [swɪŋ] - качать; раскачивать; размахивать; вертеть; поворачивать
6) serve [sɜːv] - служить, работать
7) bruise [bruːz] (гл) - ушибать; ранить; задевать (чьи-л. чувства)
Words with the meaning "rain":
1. pouring down - сильный ливень.
2. bucketing down - льет,как из ведра.
3. downpour - ливень;
4. get soaked to the skin - промокнуть до нитки.
5. drizzle - мелкий дождь, морось
6. lightning storm, thunder storm - гроза
7. downpour; cloudburst; soak; driving rain; pelting rain; drencher; drench; soaker; stair rods (идиома); pouring, pelting, driving, torrential rain; it is raining pitchforks (idiom) - проливной дождь
8. weeping skies - дословно: плачущее небо (idiom)
9. sky juice - вода,дождь (idiom)
Phrases with "weather":
weather forecast ['weðə 'fɔːkɑːst]- прогноз погоды
temperature ['temp(ə)rəʧə] - температура
weatherman ['weðəmæn] - метеоролог
thunderstorm ['θʌndəstɔːm] - гроза
thunder ['θʌndə] - гром
lightning ['laɪtnɪŋ] - молния
shower ['ʃəuə] - ливень
fog [fɔg] - туман
heat [hiːt] - жара
wind [wɪnd] - ветер
frost [frɔst] - мороз
snow [snəu] - снег
sunny ['sʌnɪ] (day) - солнечный (день)
dull [dʌl] (day) - пасмурный (день)
cool [kuːl] (day) - прохладный (день)
Active vocabulary:
my fingers stretched out - мои пальцы растянулись,
take medicine before one's food - принять лекарство перед едой
be helpless before such accusations - быть беспомощным перед подобными обвинениями
i prop myself up on one elbow - я приподнялась на локте
mashed in nose - приплюснутый нос
eyes the color of rotting sqwash - глаза цвета гнилой почвы
distrust me-недоверять мне
It turned out ok - мож оно и к лучшему
rid off the vermin - избавиться от паразитов
the entrails - внутренности
he has stopped hissing at me - он перестал шипеть на меня
i swing my leps off the bed - я спустила ноги с кровати
slide into hunting boot - обуться в охотнич. ботинки
to slip outside - выскользнут на улицу
flesh eaters - хищники
trespassing in the woods - посягательство на лес
brust out - сказать лишнее
from the far off city - из далекого города
a thicket of berry bushes- ягодная роща
we will have a real freast - у нас настоящ пир
young in spirit - сильнее духом
to reduce to lears - довести до слез
commit point - точка фиксации
come off it - перестань же
throbbing pain - пульсирующая боль
to be true to oneself - быть верным сеье
I shrugged - я пожал плечами
to keep take on smth - присматривать за кем либо

Write your words and phrases from the books!

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